Circle Talk: Control the Controllable and Release the Rest


Circle Talk is a life-changing message that visually demonstrates the importance of releasing the aspects of your life to God that only He can truly control. Susan combines biblical principles with personal testimony to deliver a message applicable to everyone struggling with the issue of control.

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Circle Talk is a life-changing message that visually demonstrates the importance of releasing the aspects of your life to God that only He can truly control. Susan combines biblical principles with personal testimony to deliver a message applicable to everyone struggling with the issue of control.

Circle Talk is a life-changing message that visually demonstrates the importance of releasing the aspects of your life to God that only He can truly control. Susan combines biblical principles with personal testimony to deliver a message applicable to everyone struggling with the issue of control.

 In the book Susan shares:
The difference between what is your business to control and what is God’s business to control
How to move from having a me-controlled heart to a God-controlled heart
What Jesus meant when He instructed us to take His yoke upon us
The importance of casting all your cares upon God
What it means to ask God what should be in your circle

Circle Talk is Susan’s most popular message and can be tailored to fit a variety of themes.

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