Slow. Down.
Did you know that there is a very good likelihood that you talk to the people at work more than you talk to the people you live with?
Slow down and take a look at your spouse. Slow down and take a look at your child. Slow down and take a look at your friendships.
Just. Slow. Down. Be intentional.
"Whatever you do, do your work heartily,
as for the Lord rather than for men"
(Colossians 3:23 NASB)
Sometimes we take that verse and do the very opposite because we are human and allow busyness and striving to take over. We start to please men rather than God. And when this happens, it is easy to get caught up in busyness and stop being intentional with those we are around.
Busyness deceives us into believing we are accomplishing what the world says is necessary.
It takes a daily Jesus download in order to keep us on track with His plan for us and those He has entrusted in our care. Proverbs 16:3 (AMP) tells us to "commit your works to the Lord [submit and trust them to Him], and your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance]."
Tangible Takeaway
The words "pleasing God over pleasing men" roll off the tongue so easily but are very difficult to live out. Take a fresh look at Colossians 3:23 as it relates to busyness, and ask yourself who you are trying to please... God or man?
Excerpt from “We’re Still in This: 90 Healthy Truths for Happy Relationships” by Susan Goss